Psych Cares Journey:
PK Flag-Psych Cares

Since 2018,
Operating in Pakistan.

Psych Cares was founded by Dr. Erum Moosa and Mr. Tahoor Mehmood in 2018 with an objective to provide authentic mental health services based purely on ethical considerations and eradicate the myths and stigma from the society while normalizing mental health checkups.

Since 2018, Psych Cares has conducted more than 20,000 sessions with 70% recovery rate. Psych Cares have also launched more than 20+ clinical psychology and psychological testing course batches and still aiming to equip professionals who are willing to provide quality psychological counselling and therapeutic services to the society.

Psych Cares understands its responsibility towards the betterment of society and contributed with various social development organizations to provide its best possible services in the domain of clinical psychology and its related fields.

Psych Cares - Location. Mental Health Clinic

5+ Years Of Experience


As a mental health facility, Psych Cares truly believes in the power of empathy and how it can create a positive impact in the society while embracing the same notion of “Empathy”.